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PCDOTS Team ~ Published: 20-Jun-2024 ~ Erase Metadata ~ 6 Minutes Reading

How to Remove Metadata from JPG? Best Methods

Everyday, millions of individuals upload or download JPG images that contain metadata that is critical to your privacy and a valuable tool to scammers? People who understand the value of Metadata finally prefer to permanently wipe it before sharing online. In this article, we aim to teach you how to remove metadata from JPG. You may discover both a DIY solution and an automated solution here, so keep reading.

Millions of images have been shared on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and numerous other social media platforms. While sharing these photographs with friends and family is a positive thing, there are certain scammers who are constantly collecting data and will eventually total it all up and exploit it for personal advantage. Because the metadata contained in these photographs may disclose information about the creator, erasing it is the only way to protect yourself from online scam artists.

Why Scrub Metadata in JPG Images?

Metadata in JPG images contains a lot of personal information about the photographer, so removing it before publishing it on the web is essential in today’s digital world. Here are some reasons why you should clear all metadata from JPG,

  • Personal Information: When you click photos through your camera or smartphone, they may include your name, device information, and more. All this information together can be used to get to know you deeply and trick you later.
  • Location data: Many photos may contain geotags that may reveal where the photo was taken. Sharing such photos online and unintentionally reveal your location and violate your privacy.
  • Confidentiality: In a profession like journalism, maintaining the confidentiality of sources and locations is crucial. De-identifying data helps protect individuals who may be at risk if their identity or location is revealed.
  • Reduce File Size: Metadata can definitely increase the size of your JPG file. Removing unnecessary metadata can reduce the image size and make it easier to share.

Manual Method to Remove Metadata from JPG 

  • Select the JPG images from which you want to wipe metadata
  • Right-click the image and select Properties.
  • Choose the ‘details‘ tab at the top of the popup window.
  • The ‘details‘ page displays a scrolling list of file-related elements such as name, size, and date.
  • Select the element you want to remove, then click the ‘values‘ tab to reveal its relevant information.
  • Click the ‘Remove Properties and Personal Information‘ option.
  • After you’ve completed all of the preceding steps, click ‘Apply‘ and then ‘OK‘.

So, that’s how manually clean metadata in JPG files. Although the manual method is free, there are some restrictions that you must review right away.

When Should You Use Manual Method? 

  • When you just have a few files, the manual method is preferable. The procedures above should have made it clear that you must go through each image file individually in order to delete its metadata.
  • Thus, you should use the manual method when you only have a few files. However, if you have an unlimited number of JPG photographs, it might not be a good idea because manual process could take a while.

Removing all metadata from JPG files in bulk may be impossible manually, necessitating the use of an excellent automated application. We created such a tool to assist you to clear JPG metadata more effectively and efficiently. You must read on to learn more about it.

Automatic Way to Wipe Metadata from JPG Images

PCDOTS Metadata Erasure Tool is a tool that allows you to delete metadata from JPG Photoshop. This tool is extensively used and trusted by users worldwide who use it to clean JPG metadata properties. This application is totally secure to use, and its users are assured that no data other than metadata will be erased.

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It is Windows-based software that is totally self-contained, which means you won’t have to download other settings in order to clean JPG metadata properties. We went over the entire description to assist you understand how to use the tool right away. You may check out all the steps below to find the tool’s working.

Why JPG Metadata Scrubber?

  • Easy to Use: The tool is designed for all users. It is not necessary for the users to have the technical expertise to use it. It has simplest user interface useful for non-technical users as well.
  • Delete Metadata in Bulk: This software may remove metadata from JPG in bulk. You can use the software to delete metadata from an unlimited number of JPG photographs at the same time.
  • An All-in-One: As previously indicated, this tool is all-in-one and can remove metadata from a broad variety of files. You may also use the tool to remove metadata from audio files, video files, Word documents, and other file formats. Think about eliminating the metadata? Think about this app.
  • Cost Effective: This tool is although not free but is cost effective. It automatically complete your job with few clicks from you. It also comes with a free version that you may use for try and testing purpose.

It’s probable that you have questions after reading all about the manual and automated processes. If you have any, you can solve them right here if you locate any that are similar to yours.

In Conclusion

It is now very simple to remove metadata from JPG. The suggested PCDOTS software is one of the best tools for you to use. The software is a Windows-based utility that allows you to completely delete metadata from JPG Windows 10. You can download the tool from the link above and begin working to delete metadata from JPG files.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Question 1: How can I delete metadata from a JPG file on my iPhone?

  • Choose the ‘Photos’ app on your iPhone.
  • Choose the JPG image to be edited.
  • Choose ‘Share.’
  • Then select ‘ViewExif’.
  • Disable the location option.

Question 3: Would it still reveal my personal information if I snap a screenshot of my JPG image and submit it online?

If you share a screenshot of a JPG image, just the time and date when the screenshot was taken and not the time and date when the original image was made will be shared.

Question 3: Why should I use the JPG metadata removal tool?

When you have a limitless number of files to delete metadata from, this utility is a must-have. If you only have a few files, we recommend using the manual route to clean JPG metadata.